Welcome to the Daffodil Valley Volkssport Association (DVVA).

We are a Puyallup (pronounced “Pew-AL-up"), Washington State area walking club that puts on non-competitive walking and bike events mostly in east Pierce County.
We are a member club of the American Volkssport Association (AVA) and of the Evergreen State Volkssport Association (ESVA). Our walks are designed to appeal to everyone in safe, stress-free environments. Walks are non-competitive, and participants walk at their own pace. Many walks can be done with strollers. Everyone is Welcome! You do not need to be a member of DVVA or any volkssport club to enjoy our walks. Come to one of our walk or bike events and try us out! You can also see the AVA or ESVA for more information about volkssports.
Some of us get together to do group walks on Wednesday mornings. Everyone is welcome. You can find the schedule of walks for several days of the week at www.meetup.com/south-sound-walkers.
We welcome visitors and prospective members at any of our meetings.
Our club membership year begins July 1, but new members are welcome year round. Dues are $5/year, $10/year per family or $3/year for seniors over 60.
Contact and meeting location information:
% Carolyn Warhol
8718 159th St E
Puyallup, WA 98375
Carolyn Warhol
Email: [email protected]
MEETINGS: 2nd MONDAYS, lunch meetings at various places (call or email
Carolyn Warhol above)
August -- picnic, and
December -- our annual Christmas party.